Porcelain Fox ~ Casual Cutie

Here is me dressed in some casual wear. This outfit really shows off my curves (or should I say big bulging mounds of fat?) Wouldn’t it be great to see more fatties dressed like this in the street?

I love relaxing and what better way to chill than beers and nachos? I always crave big portions and I tend to add extras to make it fit for a gainer!

(video out tuesday)

Join for more fun at: http://porcelain.bbwfoxes.com/
Follow me on tumblr: http://porcelainbbw.tumblr.com/

Wishlist  - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/registry/wishlist/1I6KDD53ADOGR/ref=cm_wl_search_1

Kik me at: porcelainbbw

Skype: porcelainbbw